Talking About a "Dirty" Word: Budget

Let's talk about a "dirty word": BUDGET. I said it!! It can be an uncomfortable conversation between designer + client, but it is so important.

Most people wonder:
"But WHY do I need to share my budget with you?!"
"What if I have NO idea what it will cost?"
"Won't you take that number and spend ALL of it no matter what number I give?"

Here's why having a budget is so crucial - whether you're working with a designer, or tackling a DIY project.

  1. It ALLOWS YOU to spend that money!

When it comes to home projects, it can be hard for us to justify the dollars as everything starts to add up. But, if you know you have a certain amount allocated for the project, you can work towards that overall goal while letting go of some of the individual numbers. SO, maybe you have a dream cast iron farmhouse sink in mind, but the individual item price scares you away. If you look at your OVERALL budget, you can probably make it work! Give a little on the hardware, or backsplash tile, or countertop selection. Maybe we ease up a bit on the cabinet accessories. Then you will feel free to splurge on that sink!!

2. Your designer can do their job well.

As a designer, it helps me do my job well when I know your *actual* budget. I can design a space to suit your needs, your style, and your wishes while making sure you feel comfortable financially. All because you've already determined a number that works for you! I want to give you the best design that your hard earned money can buy.

“What if I have no clue where to start?”

If you don't have any idea of what a project may cost, do some quick research! Google some averages, ask friends and family who have completed projects, and call a professional for an estimate. Don't ever be ashamed! Most clients don't know exactly what something will cost because they don't do this every day!

“Won’t the designer just spend ALL of the money?!”

Will we spend all of your money? Probably!! Because, if you select a budget you are truly comfortable with, this means that you can incorporate as many of your wishes as possible for the "right" price.

PLEASE don't hide your budget from your designer! We are here to help you!!